Monday, December 28, 2020

“The Agency” by William Gibson

 I enjoyed the book for its decent pace and its idea of stubs, which were machine-created alternate timelines. The idea of communicating across stubs digitally in drones etc was amazing. I missed out a bit by not having read the first book in the Jackpot trilogy, but I think I’ve had enough Gibson for awhile. .. His ideas are genius!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

“Bel Canto” by Ann Patchett

 A book inspired by a hostage taking incident in Peru hardly sounds like something I would want to read. But I ended up enjoying this book very much. One of the best books I’ve read in awhile. .. one of its messages was, rich or poor, we are so busy living/surviving that we lose sight of/ or never find, our true happy selves.

Monday, December 7, 2020

“Troubled Blood” by Robert Galbraith

 I enjoyed this book, but it was definitely bloated. It would have been a much better and effective book if the editor had taken a firm hand. Not surprisingly, Rawling thanked her editor at the end of the book.