Saturday, July 18, 2015

"Inferno" by Dan Brown

I enjoyed this book because it was educational, and gave me good context for Dante's Inferno, which I started reading awhile ago. The book also made me nostalgic for Florence and Venice. It's funny. I have never been to Istanbul, so those descriptions didn't do much for me. Travelling really does change your perspective on the world.

At times the book read like a travelogue, causing me to become impatient and read the ending. That, of course, eliminated the element of suspense.

Monday, July 6, 2015

"Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore" by Robin Sloan

I enjoyed this book, which dealt with the intersection between the digital age and old books. It let me experience the joys of friendship, creativity and discovery. The central mystery of encrypted text giving the secret of immortality if decrypted was handled realistically.