Saturday, April 26, 2014

"The Princess of Burundi" by Kjell Eriksson

Picked this book up for free at the Royal Ottawa Hospital. Murder mystery translated from Swedish. Very pedestrian writing style and plot. I don't think I'll bother reading the other book in this series. Salvation Army here I come.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

'MockingJay' by Suzanne Collins

An enjoyable but dark conclusion to the trilogy. Too bad I read the ending beforehand, so was not surprised by the most shocking surprise (killing Coin) in the book.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

'Microserfs' by Douglas Coupland

OK book. I read it because I like geeks, and because I wanted to give Coupland another try, to cement  my opinion of his writing. I find he has too many unnecessary, boring intellectual dialogue games going on in his books. I can read them more quickly if I skip over that stuff, which is just mind masturbation anyways.  The book, under all its cold, geeky trappings, had a nice warm, human message. But I think I've read enough of Coupland.