Sunday, March 25, 2018

“We Have Always Lived in the Castle” by Shirley Jackson

This is a good but gruesome psychological study of 2 sisters who are obviously mentally unsound. The story is told from the point of view of the younger sister who is frighteningly insane. It is not a surprise at the end to learn that it was the younger sister, not the older... as was supposed, that murdered her family with arsenic in the sugar. The neighbouring townspeople as well, are an unpleasant study in ugly psychological behaviour.

Friday, March 23, 2018

“The Golden Compass” by Philip Pullman

I enjoyed this book more than I did the first time I read it. I’m guessing that I better appreciated its hilosophical underpinnings second time round.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Book of Dust vol1 La Belle Sauvage” by Philip Pullman

The book was a bit too leisurely, and Malcolm, the hero, was a bit too perfectly decent, but overall, I enjoyed reading it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

“Warsaw Boy” by Andrew Borowiec

My favourite part of this book was the author’s description of pre-war Poland, because it gave me some understanding of my family’s experiences. It’s amazing how war creeps up on you, despite your expectations and hopes to the contrary.

On the other hand, the descriptions of the Warsaw uprising bored me silly, and the author’s Polish Nationalism was a bit much for ,y taste,

Saturday, March 3, 2018

“Fifteen Dogs” by Andre Alexis

This was an amusing, satirical book with a pretty ending. The fact that events were controlled by the Greek gods made it even more enjoyable for me.